There’s no doubt anxiety, stress and depression have increased over the last few months. Try these tried-and-true tricks to pick yourself back up!

1 Serve Others

Volunteering. There’s a reason it’s a tenet of every religion. Helping others gets you out of yourself, teaches gratitude and fosters a loving heart.

2 Document Your Troubles

Write down in detail what your worries are. Put it away, and revisit it in a few weeks/months. The act of writing is an expression that in itself is therapeutic. But it works beyond that. You’ll notice most troubles of the day will never amount to the mountain they currently appear to be.

3 Don’t Say Negative Things

It’s not always easy to control your thoughts, but it’s easier to control your tongue. What comes out of your month can, in time, effect what thoughts come to your mind.

4 Turn Off Your Phone

This may be the toughest. Remember they’re designed for human addiction. The problem isn’t just the destruction of your attention span. Social media is built for comparisons, and what we see misrepresents reality.

5 Be Grateful

Here’s a project that at first will seem difficult, but you’ll be shocked how easy it is. Write down 100 things you’re grateful for. Yes, 100. Everything from the weather to margaritas. You’ll reach 100 before you know it.

6 Exercise

It’s not about vanity. It’s about your mental well being. Just a simple walk. Don’t ever listen to that little voice that says "I don’t have time." That’s a lie. We all have time. We just don’t make it a priority.

7 Read a Book

It always feels rewarding when you finish a good book. You just feel smarter. And it slows everything down. If you don’t consider yourself a reader, it’s because you haven’t found the right book. If it hasn’t hooked you in the first 40 pages, put it down and try another.

8 Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Lose your usual routine. Try a new dish. Try a new hobby. Visit a place you’ve never been. Doing something different changes your perspective.