Celebrating RealtySouth's 2019 Top Producers
Red Mountain Grace
Who sold more than $1,200,000,000 in home inventory in 2019? The RealtySouth’s 2019 Top Producers. These incredible agents were celebrated at the The Grand Bohemian Art Gallery where we honored the Top 100 Producers in Volume, and the Top 25 Producers in Transactions. It was a special celebration shining a light on their collective gift of adopting an apartment for 2020 with Red Mountain Grace to graciously house families for a year. Food and drinks were provided as well a beautiful atmosphere from the artwork.
Catherine Pewitt, Betty Coe Julie Kim, Bert Siegel, Jonathan Cohen Jim Dye, Liz Cleckler, Kerri Culotta Stephen Crigler, Christy McDonald, Davis Underwood Deborah Hobbs, Lee Marlow, Anna Fowler Wendie White, Teresa Ellard, Kelly Bozeman, Amye von Seebach Marco Turner, Lee Marlow, Christy McDonald, Mary Stephenson, Teresa Steffens Robert and Beth Russom, Rob Roebuck Anna Fowler, Jonathan Cohan, Richard Grimes Debbie Catanzano, Gwen Brannum, Christina Douglas, Jason Dailey, Jim Bryant, Erle Morring Lynn Bridell, Helen Drennen Clair Lee, Lee Marlow Richard Bailey, Deborah Hobbs Cindy Denny, Jennifer Causey Dana Garvin, Dana Norton, Jacque Bailey, Betty Coe, Catherine Pewitt, Lucie Haynes, Stephanie Robinson, Angie Perry Gwen Brannum, Erle Morring, Joyce Watson, Jana Woodruff, Brad Clement Robin Owings, Paige Patterson Amy Lawson, Scott Perry Amy Lawson, Tim Hill Ashley Weaver, SK Vaughn, Lindsay Miller Anna and Rob Fowler, Richard Grimes Robin Owings, Jonathan Cohan Jim Due, Liz Phillips, Clair Lee Matthew Lepore, Sean Hentz, James Faulkner Teresa Ellard, VJ Brown Jana Woodruff, Lannette Thomas Jacque Bailey, Angie Perry Catherine Pewitt, Lucie Haynes, Jennifer Causey, SK Vaughn