14th Annual Otey’s Fest: The Shindig of 2023
The 14th Annual Otey’s Fest: The Shindig of 2023 took place on July 15th at Otey's Tavern in Crestline.
This year's event benefitted The Phoenix Club of Birmingham.
The Phoenix Club of Birmingham provides a developmental opportunity for young professional men to become social, business, and philanthropic leaders. It supports the mission of the Boys & Girls Club and further seeks to impact the direction of our community’s youth through fund-raising and interaction. The Phoenix Club of Birmingham, which supports the Boys & Girls Club of Central Alabama, is a social and philanthropic organization exclusive to young professional men in the Birmingham area. It provides an opportunity for members to build a network of business and personal relationships, while allowing them to impact the direction and future of our city’s youth.
Lee Yelverton, Matthew Stalter Lee Yelverton, Matthew Stalter Mary Carrington Gullage, Mead Oliver, Madeline Ingram Phillip and Frances Gaut Reid and Madison Jones, Hannah Lillo Lelia Ritter, Marilyn Joyce, Blaire Clanton Lelia Ritter, Marilyn Joyce, Blaire Clanton William Gullage, Mary Morgan, Charles Gray, Kate Seibels Sarah Duncan Culpepper, Lee Kraus Sara Herman, Kassidy Locke Sara Herman, Kassidy Locke Sara Herman, Kylee Jackson, Kassidy Locke Emily Scott, Michael D’Amico Emily Scott, Michael D’Amico Cole Lowery, Allye Lott, Sydney Crider, Hayden Josey, Auburn Bastin, Wesley Heartsill Cole Lowery, Allye Lott Cole Lowery Brooke Ulna, Maddie Carpenter, Ireland Stackhouse Brooke Ulna, Maddie Carpenter, Ireland Stackhouse Ireland Stackhouse Sara Herman, Harriet Shelly, Ann Simpson Trousdale Sara Herman, Harriet Shelly, Ann Simpson Trousdale Ellen Coleman Alexander, Madeline DeBuys Ann Simpson Trousdale, McKinley Morris Ann Simpson Trousdale, McKinley Morris Elizabeth Drummond, Luci Smitherman Peyton Vines, Austin Handley Peyton Vines, Austin Handley Lucie Longshore, Lydia Stimpson Mary Steele Johnson, Anna Giardina Mary Steele Johnson, Anna Giardina, Maryren Stevenson Anna Ruth Steelman, Martha Wright Haley Alex Wyrosdick, Sarah Frances Phillips, Bailey burkholder Mikayla Spruill, Hannah Miller, Liam McCurry, Dylan Main Morgan Neely, Emily Scott, Jayne Berry Morgan Neely, Emily Scott, Jayne Berry,Jonathan Neely, Michael D’Amico, Brad Blount Jayne Berry, Brad Blount Jayne Berry, Brad Blount Emily Wise, Kendall Broom Coke Britton, Jess Sirkin, Sarah Bragg, Jessi Schoel Sarah Bragg, Jessi Schoel Sarah Bragg, Jessi Schoel Blaire Clanton, Maggie Allen, Findlay Rodney, Crawford Poyner Madi Rotzoll, Sarah Kate Powell, Maddie Jones, Cole Clark Gracie Tucker, Emma Grace Harris Gracie Tucker, Emma Grace Harris Mary Claire Mauro, Lee Yelverton Mary Frances Brown, Reid Woodson, Sarah Duncan Culpepper Rebecca and Rachel Nesbitt, Caroline Fields, Hannah George Lindsey Nosef, Marina Shunnarah Lindsey Nosef, Marina Shunnarah Lindsey Nosef, Helen Morgan Lindsey Nosef, Helen Morgan Kingston Hall, Lyndsey Knecht, Elizabeth Anne Hall Abbey Thrasher, Grace Loggins Jessica Spain, Virginia Gwaltney, Sara Herman Celeste Case, Jules Harper Hunter Wright, Tram Trammell