
*CBD is all the rage and being touted for it’s ability to help almost everything. We asked John Parker of Near to Me CBD to separate the fact from the fiction from the yet-to-be-determined.

WHAT EXACTLY IS CBD? Isn’t marijuana still illegal in Alabama?While CBD, or cannabidiol, does come from marijuana plants, don’t get it confused with its trip-inducing friend THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. Unlike THC, CBD is derived from hemp, doesn’t get you high, and is legal to sell and use in Alabama thanks to the Farm Bill which passed in December of 2018.

CBD is riding a wave of popularity and can be found as a calming add-in at coffee, smoothie, and ice cream shops around town. There is even a shop that exclusively sellsCBD products in Five Points South that opened this May.

At Near To Me CBD you can find anything from tinctures, vaping oils, lip balm, and even CBD products for pets. John Parker, Managing Partner of Near To Me CBD, says that the most popular, as well as his personal favorites, are the tinctures and topicals.“

Tinctures keep CBD in your system consistently and will help with symptoms throughout the day. The pain cream and salves are very popular because their effect is close to immediate and they offer great relief to people with skin, muscle, or joint pain,” says Parker.

The proposed benefits of using these products seem to be plenty. JustGoogle CBD to get an endless stream of people raving about CBD’s effects on a laundry list of conditions and symptoms. Some of the most popular claims are that CBD relieves pain, lowers anxiety, and feelings of depression. The University of Alabama Birmingham even did a study on the benefits of CBD oil as a treatment for patients with intractable epilepsy which showed CBD significantly reduced the frequency, severity, and adverse effects of seizures in patients.

But can it really do all that? Parker of Near to Me CBD says that while most of his customers are 50 years of age or older using the products to treat anxiety, minor pain, and difficulty sleeping; he has also seen a great response from those with Crohn’s Disease and Rhuematoid Arthritis. Since there are very few clinical studies on the uses of CBD it is important to always consult a doctor about using CBD.

When CBD “newbies” come into the store, John along with his partner Jessica Hunter can be a wealth of information on the CBD basics. And there is a lot to learn! The CBD retail world is basically a new frontier, sometimes making it difficult to find quality products. While Parker encourages customers to do their own research, he says it is important for products to be third-party tested and that the hemp is from a reliable source. “Kentucky, Oregon, Colorado, andNorth Carolina are places we feel comfortable with sourcing our products,” says Parker.

There are some red flags to watch out for including ingredients and pricing. According to Parker, for tinctures, if there are several ingredients be careful. Also, CBD doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive, so if you see a high price tag with lofty claims, it might be best to pass.

Ready to try it out? Parker recommends starting with their CBD tincture at a low dose and increasing over time until you find your “sweet spot.”

If you have questions, please contact John Parker at (205) 643-8877, email: or visit his store Near to Me CBDin Southside at 2009 15th Ave S