Scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed in the height of an Alabama summer, you’re likely to see at least one of your friends surrounded by a sea of breathtaking sunflower blooms. We took a drive south of Montgomery to check out the Autaugaville sunflower field and we’ve got to be honest—you need to put this stop on your daytrip bucket list.
Autaugaville, Alabama is a very small town—only about 870 residents—located 30 miles west of our state capitol of Montgomery. About 1 ½ hours from Birmingham, head south on Interstate 65 then wind down several country roads to the farm on Hwy 14. You’ll see a sign for the field and park on the grass, then walk a short distance to see the flowers.

Walking into the field to see all of the sunflower heads standing at attention to face the sun in the same direction is amazing. The flowers meet you in the eye with blossoms as big as your head while bees busily fly around pollinating the flowers. You can bring clippers and a bucket, or borrow some as long as supplies last, to clip the sunflowers of your choice for only $1 a piece or 14 for $10.

The field is normally open specific days from sunup to sundown and there’s no cost to visit and take as many pictures as you like. There were a few other goods for sale at checkout the day we stopped by and the people running the farm were as kind as can be. Follow @TheSunflowerField on Facebook and @alabamasunflowers on Instagram for information on dates and hours the field is open and to check out more photos of the sunflowers in their blazing glory.