52nd Annual Poinsettia Ball

The Poinsettia Men's Club

The 52nd Annual Poinsettia Ball was held after Christmas at Vestavia Country Club. The evening began with the presentation of the Poinsettia debutantes at the Benefactor's Dinner sponsored by the Men's Cub. Don Mosley served as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Each debutante was then presented on the arm of her father to all the ball guests.  After a father-daughter waltz following the presentation, dance music was provided by Az IzZ for everyone's enjoyment.  The Ballet Women's Committee was founded in 1960 to foster and promote the greater Birmingham Area fine arts. In 1968, the Poinsettia Debutante Ball was created at the proposal of Mrs. John W. Gustafson. The Poinsettia Men's Club was formed in 1969 to support and promote the goals and activities of the Ballet Women's Committee.