Pickleball has become one of the nation’s favorite new pastimes and thousands across Birmingham have taken up the sport in recent years. While many have grown to love the sport, for those who are newer to the game, we have put together a Birmingham guide to pickleball complete with the basics of the game, what to buy, where to buy, and where to play.

The Basics

- Scoring: Only the serving team can score points. Games are typically played to 11 pts, and a team must win by 2 pts. (Some variations play to 15 pts.)

- Serve: The serve must be made underhand, and the server must hit the ball diagonally to the opponent’s service court. The serve must clear the non-volley zone, also known as the “kitchen.”

- Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen): Players cannot volley the ball (hit it in the air without letting it bounce) while standing in the non-volley zone, which extends 7 feet from the net on both sides.

 - Faults: A fault occurs when the ball is hit out of bounds, does not clear the net, is volleyed from within the non-volley zone, or is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side.

What You Need

- Paddle: Pickleball paddles are smaller than tennis rackets but larger than ping-pong paddles. They come in various materials, including wood, composite, and graphite. Wooden paddles are the most affordable, but composite and graphite paddles are lighter and offer better control.

- Ball: The ball used in pickleball is similar to a wiffle ball but slightly smaller and more durable. It is made of perforated plastic and comes in indoor and outdoor versions. Outdoor balls are typically harder and have smaller holes compared to indoor balls.

- Footwear: Proper footwear is important for preventing injuries and providing good traction on the court. Shoes designed for tennis or indoor sports are ideal for pickleball.

- Clothing: Wear comfortable athletic clothing that allows for a full range of motion. Moisture-wicking fabrics can help keep you cool and dry during play.

Where to Play

To accommodate the influx of newly interested players, courts have sprung up across the Magic City and throughout the state. Here are a handful of the city’s top spots to play, and you can visit pickleballadvisor.org/court/ to find the nearest court. 

- CityWalk: CityWalk Downtown has quickly become a popular destination for pickleball enthusiasts. The park features 8 courts on the east end and 2 on the west side, making it one of the largest pickleball hubs in the city. The atmosphere (under interstate) is complete with colorful lights, and nearby food truck spaces, adds to the experience.

- Crestwood Park: Crestwood is a longstanding favorite in Birmingham, known for its beautiful outdoor setting. Located near popular spots like Crestwood Tavern and True Story Brewing, it’s a convenient spot for a game of pickleball. The park offers 4 courts, drawing players from all around the area.

- Wald Park: Located in Vestavia off 31, Wald is another top location, known as a favorite location for disc golf, kickball, and pickleball. There’s also George Ward Tennis Center near Valley Rd by Glen Iris.

- Crestline Elementary: Located in Crestline offers a spot in Mtn Brook that attracts big crowds. Their courts are usually full when the weather is good.

Why is it called Pickleball?

Invented in Washington in 1965 by Joel Pritchard, his wife Joan came up with the name which was a reference to the thrown-together leftover non-starters in the “pickle boat” of crew races.

Presley and Landry were outfitted by Mountain High Outfitters. You can see a reel with them on IG @abouttownmag.