
There was a report in Reuters that Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley said women who sniffed a chemical found in male sweat experienced elevated levels of an important hormone, along with higher sexual arousal, faster heart rate and other effects. So does that mean women want men to smell like sweat? We decided to ask some local women how they prefer their men to smell.


Shirley - *Artist*“I like to catch a whiff every now and then, but I certainly don’t want to smell you before I see you. Less is more, guys! If you’re going to wear it, one spritz on the neck is all you need. Burberry Brit for Men is my favorite.”


Hollie - *Journalism*“There has to be a limit. I can only handle so much of the heavy stuff. I know one guy that has different scents for the different times of day. That’s a little ridiculous! Maybe a different atmosphere could mean mixing it up a bit. But if you’re spending that much time thinking about it–
that’s a red flag for me. If I’m out on a date, I want a guy who is mature. That means dressing (and smelling) the part. Subtle is always better. If he smells like he just rolled around in a rose bush, it might mean he’s trying to cover up his real stench! Find the balance between smelling clean and overdoing the cologne and you’re set!”


Silvia - *Management*“My husband has allergies so sadly he stopped wearing cologne a long time ago, so it’s such a treat for me to walk past a guy wearing any cologne. My favorites are the classics like Drakkar, Bijan for men or Issey Miyake. Those scents remind me of easier times when life wasn’t filled with work deadlines and mortgage payments!”


Elizabeth - *Sales*“I was recently asked what my last boyfriend smelled like and unfortunately the only thing that came to mind was “sweat”. But I really just like a guy to smell clean, like they are naturally fresh. I hate when boys try to disguise B.O with some potent cologne…. we all know what you’re doing! If they smell clean, look clean, you pass- cannot stand when boys appear unkept; if you’re going out that way gosh only knows what your house looks like. But seriously, good fabric softener the aroma of shampoo on just washed hair will do it for me. #stoptrying”


Kelly - *Housewife*“I love cologne! Not only do I like the strong, clean smell on my husband, but I like to match his with my perfume. I actually look for the perfect women’s perfume to compliment his! OK... maybe I’m a bit obsessive, but what can I say? “


Kallee - *Student*“Just stick to aftershave. It seems to keep its neutrality and not be too over-powering. This Christmas, I sent a hint to my brother with a nice bottle of aftershave. Luckily, he loved the gift as much as I did. Having some type of scent will distinguish you. For the young adult it will give him that extra push into maturity, but if he’s not careful it could hurt more than it helps. Just be careful. I remember shaking a guys hand and for hours my hand smelled like his cologne. Ugghhhh! Sometimes the scent can be so strong it distracts from the conversation. Please don’t leave me looking for my Advil to cure my headache!


Amy - *Marketing*“To be honest, no cologne has done it for me since Drakkar Noir of the late ‘80s. I don’t even know if they still make the stuff, but one good smell of that would transport me right back to 1986. Men--save your money and go buy a good stick of deodorant. That’s all we really want. You should never smell better than we do.”