The “Lucky 7” workout is becoming a fast favorite of mine for so many reasons; it’s versatile, quick, incorporates strength and cardio, and just plain fun! I call it Lucky 7 because you take 7 exercises, 7 repetitions, for 7 rounds (or sets). The key to the Lucky 7 workout is to keep moving, only taking about a minute rest between rounds. This total-body killer should only take 30-45 minutes and is great for getting ready for the beach or a take-along workout while you travel. Be sure to tag #AboutTownMag in all your workouts!
**Set Up With Shoulder Press****Set up:** Using cable pulls, keep foot flat on bench, step or box. Press weight once standing at the end, or top, of exercise. Do all 7 reps on one side before switching to the other.
**Weighted S/L Deadlift****Set up:** Stand on one leg, hold the weight in front of hips. Keeping that knee slightly bent, bend at the hip, extending your free leg behind you for balance. Continue lowering the weight until you are parallel to the ground, and then return to the upright position. Do all 7 reps on one side before switching to the other.
**Towel Pulls****Set up:** Staying on the balls of your feet on folded towel or gliders. Arms extended directly under shoulders, body in plank position. Walk hands in small steps to pull yourself forward.
**Weighted Glider Side Lunge With Bicep Curl****Set up**: Shift body weight to grounded foot and lightly press other foot on a glider or folded towel. Keeping chest lifted and in a controlled movement, shift hips back and bend the grounded leg, keeping moving leg extended. Do all 7 reps on one side before switching to the other.
**Box (Or Bench) Dips With Alternating Toe Touch****Set up:** Hands directly under shoulders, legs bent at 90 degrees. When pressing up from triceps dip, lift one leg and reach across body with opposite arm.
**Dumbbell/Kettlebell (DB/KB) Snatch****Set up:** Squat down with back arched, chest open, and dumbbell between knees with arm straight. Pull dumbbell up by extending hips and knees, allowing elbow to pull up to side, keeping elbow over dumbbell as long as possible. Catch dumbbell at arm’s length over head. Control weight down while returning to squat position. Do all 7 reps on one side before switching to the other.
**Jumping Pull-Ups****Set up:** Set up a platform or box underneath of a pull-up bar. When standing on the box with your arms raised, grab the bar with a standard pull-up grip. Using mostly your legs and finishing with your arms, pull yourself up over the bar. Resist as slowly as possible on the way down and try to stay light and fast on the balls of your feet.
Workout courtesy of **Jennifer Frudaker**.
*Nationally Certified Personal Trainer
Les Mills Certified Group Fitness Instructor
TRX Certified Instructor
All Natural Figure Competitor
Facebook - Jennifer Frudaker
Instagram - @jfrudaker*