When I heard the term “oil pulling,” wide, open Texas oil fields came to mind. So, it was much to my surprise to find that oil pulling is an ancient, dental hygiene technique from India used to freshen breath, whiten teeth, and improve overall oral health. Studies show that oil pulling decreases harmful bacteria in your mouth and could actually benefit the rest of your body with the alleviation of headaches, hangovers and skin issues. Sounded good to me - here’s how it went.
The Process
First choose an oil. Coconut oil is a highly absorbable oil with many health benefits which include fighting harmful bacteria and reducing inflammation. It also has the benefit of having a pleasant taste. The general recommended amount to use is 1 tablespoon of oil. Once you’ve chosen your oil, swish it around in your mouth, just like a mouthwash, for 15-20 minutes.
“Did you just say 15-20 minutes?!” you ask. It may seem like a long time, but I used the time to check emails and it actually went by faster than I thought. If you can’t last the full 20 minutes, try starting with 5-10 minutes.

While you swish the oil around in your mouth, the bacteria gets swept away and dissolves in the oil. Don’t swish too hard - gentle swishing is all that is required. Oh, and be sure to not swallow the oil. It contains all of that bacteria that has been pulled from your mouth. I accidentally did the first time I oil pulled, and it was not a pleasant experience.
Final tip: do not spit it in the sink - the oil could clog your pipes. Just discard it in the trash can or in a paper towel. Most articles I read recommended brushing your teeth immediately after an oil pull. Just make sure to use a different toothbrush than what you usually use.
The Verdict
When I started my first oil pull, my immediate reaction was shock because of the consistency of the coconut oil. It’s not everyday that I put a spoonful of solidified oil in my mouth! Eventually I got used to the consistency, and it slowly emulsified into a liquid. If I did it again, I would use less oil and start with 1 teaspoon and would probably swish more slowly than my initial go round. I personally did not notice any immediate health benefits, but I did read accounts of people who swear by oil pulling.
Final Verdict: If you’re into natural remedies and think you can handle the consistency of the oil, give it a try.