# Make this Year *Your* Year>> ***By: Mandy Moseley from Three15 Studio***Every year, one of the most common questions asked in January is “What is your New Year’s Resolution”? Many of us begin the new year with lofty aspirations of turning over a new leaf and recreating ourselves in one way or another, but, unfortunately, over 80% of us fail at this by February. So the question should be, how do we create a New Year’s Resolution that sets us up for success instead of failure?___

### #1. BE REALISTICIf you are someone who eats out every day and your resolution is to eat healthy meals at home moving forward, your odds of making this happen are probably not so high. A more realistic goal would be to eat a healthy meal at home 3 days a week. It is important not to change so much that it feels like a punishment. Your New Year’s Resolutions should be goals to better yourself and those can look very different from person to person.### #2. MAKE A SPECIFIC GOALIt is no secret that January is the busiest time for exercise studios and that is because the #1 New Year’s Resolution is to exercise more. As simple as that may sound, after a few weeks it can become less and less motivating to continue on this new path. One of the ways to keep yourself motivated is to define a specific goal like running a 5k or 10k or even a half-marathon. Hold yourself accountable by finding a race that looks fun and exciting (maybe even an out of town race). If you go ahead and sign up for a race and pay the money, you are more likely to hold yourself accountable. ### #3. PROGRESS COUNTSSometimes we are motivated by smaller accomplishments. A great idea is to set small goals along the way. If you write them down and allow yourself some type of reward each time you accomplish those goals, it can help keep your motivation high. For instance, make a deal with yourself that once you can run 2 miles without stopping, then you can purchase yourself a new pair of running shoes.### #4. DON’T JUST FOCUS ON THE EXERCISE Another mistake that is commonly made is to focus solely on exercising more. Although this is a great addition to anyone’s regimen, we must not forget the importance that food and other factors play into our healthy equation. Try and remember how important it is to add more fruits and vegetables into your daily routine. Another great option would be to take 15-30 minutes each day to focus on something to better yourself. Exercise, eating healthier and taking time for yourself are all great options when trying to decide how to be your best you in 2018.---At the end of the day, we are all fighting the same daily battles, eat better, exercise more, spend time with our families and try to find some time in there to contribute to our personal growth. So take a minute to reflect on the good in 2017 and think of ways you can build off of that in 2018. Try to set yourself up for success in this New Year and try to come up with a resolution that embodies that, even if it as simple as being your best you this year!