### Mercedes, Concert FanLike all young girls, I couldn’t wait to wear make-up. Now, I love not wearing make-up! I always had trouble with acne, and no middle-school girl wants to struggle with their appearance. My transformation with Dr. Hartman began with chemical peels, acne regimen, and Skincuetical products. I also use Tazorac for my oily skin. My current go-to product is to always use sunscreen. Not covering my skin with make-up has given me so much freedom to do all things I want to do.### Jahzmin, Crossfit LoverI never had acne growing up. It wasn’t until I graduated from college, got my first big girl job and started Crossfit when I started to notice that “wow, I have acne…and its out of control.” I mean, it was incredibly painful, not to mention so unappealing. Not sure if Crossfit really did change my complexion, because I’ve always thought I had a pretty healthy diet. However, I am certain it did contribute due to the changes in my hormones and estrogen. I started researching and seeing dermatologists around the Birmingham area, many wanted to immediately place me on antibiotics and to purchase expensive topical creams, without explaining to me what was actually going on with my face. After trying spironolactone, and other prescription drugs, I felt like I was at a loss. That’s when I heard of Dr. Corey Hartman, who is incredible, might I add. Dr. Hartman informed me that I have cystic acne. Cystic acne is when the infection goes deep into your skin, creating a red, tender bump that is painful. Although it sounds horrible, it is actually likely for men and women to develop in their teens and early 20’s. He suggested a face regimen, an antibiotic to control the inflammation, facial cleaner, and moisturizer. The results have been amazing!

### Tanslee, Student I’m a dancer and have spent much of my high school years in heavy make-up for performances. As a result of this and the fact that my skin is very sensitive to soft drinks and greasy foods, break-outs were becoming a daily problem. Dr. Hartman put me on a benzoyl peroxide face wash that I use twice daily, and my results have been amazing! I now never wear make-up, and I love it!### Metta, Nurse Practitioner My skin was great until last Summer when all of the sudden I developed adult acne. I went to three other dermatologists with no success. Growing up, I received compliments about my complexion all the time, so my sudden acne really made me that much more insecure. It became so bad, that I was avoiding eye-contact with people, and even went so far as to not look over at the car next to me at stop lights! I’ve always been a health conscience individual who eats well, exercises regularly, and washed my face every day. To try to help my skin, I went gluten, sugar, and dairy free, but it didn’t help. Finally, I saw Dr. Hartman who took a very individualized approach to my skin, and I’ve never felt more confident!